As soon as your dog starts getting old or develops a health condition, you may consider treating it to the same safe, herbal remedy you or your acquaintances have tried – CBD. Derived from the hemp plant, CBD oil is a natural source of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, painkilling, and sedative substances and phytonutrients. So, why not give your dog the best?

But here comes the question of the place of CBD dog treats’ purchase. If you live in a big city, you can easily visit a local dispensary and get various dog CBD treats from different brands. If you reside far from reputable dispensaries, ordering online is a better option, with so many online stores offering countless pet products and claiming to be the best.

The catch is that not all online stores are reliable; some don’t even exist and steal money from unsuspecting customers upon receiving online payments and disappear with the funds. So, how should you choose a provider and enhance your online buying experience? Here is a brief guide to ordering CBD dog treats online and an intro to the benefits of CBD use by your beloved pet.

Why Buy CBD Overall?

The first thing you should keep in mind is that CBD (cannabidiol) is a non-psychoactive compound found in the hemp plant, associated with many therapeutic effects and producing no feeling of high on you or your pet. Thus, using CBD for dog treatment and health improvement is absolutely normal practice, though you should study the dosing data carefully.

  • CBD dog treats for anxiety. The unique effect of CBD on the human endocannabinoid system is largely unexplored yet, but it is undeniable. As a result of CBD’s connection to the endocannabinoid receptors, the human and animal nerves calm down, and the feeling of tranquility and peace arrives in minutes. Therefore, CBD is widely used to treat anxiety, stress, panic attacks, and depression in people, and there’s no reason why it wouldn’t help dogs similarly well.
  • CBD dog treats for joint pain. Dogs often suffer from arthritis and joint pain because of age-related bone, joint, and tissue deterioration. The good news is that you can help them live better lives with CBD-enriched dog treats. CBD acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent that can reduce discomfort and stiffness in the joints. In the long run, it alleviates the unpleasant symptoms of joint problems and can bring the joy of movement back to your dog’s life.
  • CBD for seizures. There’s no safe and effective medical treatment for dog seizures, which often accompany epilepsy. All available veterinary medications come with pronounced side effects, so you may try CBD to give your dog seizure relief more safely and gently.
  • Skin and fur health. Allergies and rashes are frequent skin conditions that may spoil your dog’s mood and worsen its quality of life. CBD is a good remedy for skin problems, as it strongly affects skin inflammation and improves the pet’s skin barrier. Though CBD isn’t a remedy for the skin, it can alleviate the symptoms until the moment you visit a dermatologist and get the right treatment.
  • Noise phobia treatment. Some dogs get pretty nervous about noises, such as fireworks or abrupt car sounds. If yours is phobic, you can calm its nerves with CBD treats so that your pet falls asleep comfortably and without problems.
  • Heart health improvement. CBD’s ability to reduce blood pressure and heart rate is well-known, so many people with hypertension use CBD to calm their nerves and maintain proper blood pressure levels. Dogs also suffer from cardiovascular problems because of acute stress and anxiety, so CBD can be a good variant for stressed animals’ heart health.

So, as you can see, CBD treats for dogs are an excellent supplement for your dog’s wellness regimen. They can address most health conditions without addictive medications with side effects.

Choosing an Online Vendor

Now, let’s proceed to the most interesting part – choosing an online store for purchasing CBD treats for dogs. As you all know, marijuana and marijuana-related products are under strict state regulations in terms of commercial distribution and use. Thus, offline and online stores must comply with regulatory and licensing measures to function legally.

Study Test Results

Certified and ethical brands have nothing to conceal, so they provide their CoAs (certificates of analysis) in the open view. Your task is to find those test results and study them carefully to understand what you’re actually buying. It’s vital to opt for natural, organic ingredients and avoid synthetic components.

Double-Check the Product Labels

There is no government-regulated labeling standard for CBD products, so it’s mainly the manufacturer’s responsibility to report correct ingredients and concentration percentages. Thus, you should check the labels and compare them with the test results to ensure that the ingredients are consistent.

Stray Away from Ungrounded Promises and Claims

CBD is not a medication; it is a herbal remedy with mild effects on the user. Thus, we don’t recommend buying products from brands promising guaranteed, miraculous effects. In most cases, these claims are nothing but empty promises, and you are likely to lose money and time waiting for those effects in vain.

Review Testimonials

All online stores function in the open space, with customers talking about their experiences and sharing their accounts in digital channels. You can find lots of valuable data online by scanning various review websites and reading what people say about this or that store.

Opt for Wide Product Range

It’s always better to shop at a large marketplace, like, as you never know what exactly you will need. Thus, we suggest you choose an online store with a broad assortment to get your CBD needs to be covered on par with your dog’s.

Look Before You Leap

As you can see, online shopping is a risky endeavor. Still, you can minimize the risks by doing your due diligence and exploring the store’s reputation and products before paying money. Spend time on the store’s review, and your shopping experience will improve.

Tia Moskalenko, a dedicated cannabis writer at AskGrowers, has written this article to educate CBD users and improve their CBD use experience and safety. Tia is passionate about the immense potential of the cannabis industry, so she’s always happy to share her findings about CBD’s benefits for all user kinds, people and animals.

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